
Personal Session

Would you like to delve deeper into your healing journey? Together we can craft a session that is tailored to your specific needs. In my office you will lie on the massage table with the gongs surrounding you. Singing bowls can be placed directly on you and/or around you.

Call to schedule your appointment, 479-521-3123

Celebrate with a Gong Song

Celebrate that special occasion with a gathering of loved ones to share the good vibrations of a Gong Song at my office, the Little Blue House. Consider the usual birthdays, anniversaries and holidays, as well as circle of friends, book clubs or some other creative reason to gather for your own magical session of sound and vibrations! There is space for up to 8 people. Call to plan an amazing celebration – 479-521-3123.

Have Gongs Will Travel

My Round Friends and I love to travel and spread our good vibrations! A Gong Song is a perfect special event in your movement studio, meditation center, church, office or home. It is also a great way to bless a new home, commemorate someone—the possibilities are endless.

Call to plan something special – 479-521-3123.